



Kyoto Prefectural University

Graduate School of Public Policy (MA/PhD)

Public Policy Course

To be researchers and professionals who can develop public policy

To advance multi-level governed public policies for sustainable development, we prepare highly professionals and researchers in addressing policy-making, public management and governance through high quality academic and professional programs that span law, economics, political science and policy studies.

The Master’s and Doctoral programs provide students with core competencies in legal systems, policy analysis and evaluation methods, public administrative and financial management in a wide variety of policy areas. Graduate students are to take coursework in those area above and also individual meetings for mentoring and direction for thesis or dissertation.

Welfare Society Course

To be researchers and professionals who can become leaders in a welfare society

Graduate program of the Welfare Society course, as we strive for a welfare society, provides students with core competencies to lead and support professional practice in human development well-being.

The Master's and Doctoral programs have interdisciplinary components such as Social Work, Sociology, Pedagogy and Psychology. We encourage interaction of knowledge from different disciplines. Graduate students are to take coursework in those area above and also individual meetings for mentoring and direction for thesis or dissertation.

Joint Research

To make studies in welfare society and public policy fields develop, our faculty has organized the Welfare Society Study Group.

A Welfare Forum has been held every year since 2000 for the exchange of ideas and research findings on welfare society and public policy.

We have annually published two Bulletins: "The Review of Welfare Society" and "The Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University Public Policy", since 2000 and 2009, respectively.

In collaboration with the Kyoto Institute for Regional Prospects (KIRP) , one of the research institutes of KPU, as a research partner, we provide individuals, public sector and non-profit organizations access to the intellectual resources and practical experience of our faculty in order to contribute to improvement of governance in the community, region and beyond, and quality of life.

Contact point

  1. ホーム
  2.  >  Kyoto Prefectural University
  3.  >  Schools, Faculties and Institutes
  4.  >  Graduate School of Public Policy (MA/PhD)